Wednesday, December 25, 2019

What You Dont Know About Samples of an Essay about Yourself Could Be Costing to More Than You Think

What You Don't Know About Samples of an Essay about Yourself Could Be Costing to More Than You Think Getting the Best Samples of an Essay about Yourself For instance, if you're writing an essay on How Global Warming can be decreased, it is going to be a fantastic idea which you take a minute to define what global warming is about in your introductory paragraph. The conclusion can be composed of a couple of sentences. Your conclusion does not need to have to be complex or extraordinary. The very first job of the essay examination is an integrated undertaking. Well, you don't need to be concerned about that when you receive a statement of the issue sample thesis from us. Consider your essay is limited in regard to word count. You may also profit from our on-line thesis statement examples and writing assistance if you should finish your paper fast. The Samples of an Essay about Yourself Pitfall Reading many different sample narrative essays is a fantastic way to understand how to write one. You will need to understand how to compose an effective essay as it is a typical foundation for a student's grade. Students have to compose essays based on the teacher's instructions or their preferred style in writing. As you're writing a formal essay, then you've got to make certain the tone of your formal essay is likewise very formal because your intended audience would become your teacher and classmates, you will need to demonstrate that you're professional in writing formal essays. Make certain you have a great email address. When you surf our site for recommendations that might help you write your own essay, you will come across many helpful tips. What You Don't Know About Samples of an Essay about Yourself Actually, besides getting a sample or help with only the subject, you can order an original customized paper from our qualified experts. All it requires is a very simple message to our customer care team. If a site's content is discovered to be a duplicate, it's deemed to be unimportant by the various search engines and won't appear on Google, Yahoo, etc. searches. There are several content writing templates accessible to assist you in making a site dealing with product reviews. W hen you plan your essay and jot down the points you're likely to talk about in your draft, you are going to have lot of points to discuss. When you know the reply to that, searching for excellent examples becomes so simpler. The man is likely to forget some points. Show by your words that you've got potential, a good mind, and you're a responsible individual. Actually, besides asking for help with the subject, you may also request for a customized paper, written in line with the instructions as set out in your prompt. A comparison review enables you to compare three similar products from a crucial viewpoint. Obviously, there are instances once your instructor may offer certain topics to work on or a set of topics from which you may pick. Students who find they lack the skills required to research and formulate decent essay topic ideas should look at getting assistance from our experts. Things You Won't Like About Samples of an Essay about Yourself and Things You Will Don' t hesitate to peruse through a number of the samples to obtain an idea about what your paper will look like if you decide to order from us. Should you need samples fast, then you are going to almost certainly enjoy our simple three-step approach. Our samples include explanations of the way to do it right and what things to avoid. When you work with us, you're guaranteed that every one of the samples and topics will be customized to fit your purposes. The Tried and True Method for Samples of an Essay about Yourself in Step by Step Detail In truth, it might be the sole method to begin on your assignment and submit a superior paper in time. Once you have finished with your composition, it is very important you take an instant and read over what you have written. Writing for pay as a means to produce money from home may seem to be fantastic idea however, there are a few considerations to make before jumping headlong into such a venture. It may seem like a good idea however there are some considerations to make before jumping headlong into such a venture. In that case, then you were cross-trained, and you may consider yourself flexible. Any sort of academic writing has to be organized in several sections and paragraphs. In English Language, compositions or essays actually are one of the most crucial facets of the subject. The Samples of an Essay about Yourself Pitfall Writing an essay is a critical role in academe life. Following that, a top writer is going to be assigned to work on your purchase and produce top-notch content for your benefit. The area of freelance writing might appear a little daunting initially, but for the persistent and tenacious writer it can end up being a profitable one. Writing an e-book may be simple matter to do. Let's say that you're writing an essay on The important causes of Road Accidents in your City, it's obvious you're going to think of two or three points. Before embarking on your journey as an independent writer, you will need to get a small bit of perspective about how to go about doing it. Each character depends on a romantic view of love as opposed to the truth of reality until it's too late. Essay writing is often practiced is schools. 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Tuesday, December 17, 2019

The Old Man And The Sea - 1812 Words

‘The Old Man and the Sea’; quite possibly the most boring book I have read in my life. Not to say that it is necessarily â€Å"bad†, with all the possible interpretations, which bring about the book’s own sense of mystery, and actually decent characterization, perhaps it is worthwhile. But, nonetheless; the most boring, unexciting book I have ever feasted (or perhaps forcefully overindulged) my eyes upon. I guess it just wasn’t quite my cup of sea. This novella was written by Ernest Hemingway, who is widely known to have this obsession with death, at least in his novels. He had a distaste for war believing it was tragic and horrible. He killed himself July 2nd 1961 by shotgun. Now, I make these ideas Hemingway had and these quite depressive and perhaps even morbid facts about him clear, as a way to state my case about how I have interpreted this novel. This story is about a depressed old man who has to come to term with his own elderhood and his apparent death, whether sooner or later. I realize this isn’t some mind-blowing interpretation, like how some people interpret ‘Toy Story 3’ as being about the holocaust and the ‘Robocop’ titular character is Jesus (yes, people are crazy, but heck if they are not creative). But I see ‘The Old Man and the Sea’, as being rather straightforward, as Hemingway said himself, â€Å"It’s a book about a man and a fish†-- nothing more. So, instead of seeking out a crazy interpretation like the book is a prophecy for the tsunamis in JapanShow MoreRelatedThe Old Man And The Sea1561 Words   |  7 Pages The Old Man and The Sea is more than a book about a fish and an old man, it teaches us strength and never giving up on ourselves. The Old Man and The Sea is written by Ernest Hemingway about Santiago, The Old M an. Hemingway is a writer known for his iceberg themes in his novels, where ten percent of its message is what you read and the ninety percent is hidden. That ninety percent is up to interpretation. My interpretation is Hemingway’s The Old Man and The Sea he expressesRead MoreThe Old Man And The Sea1154 Words   |  5 PagesThe sea in a way is like a living being. The way it rhythmically carries itself, showing all of its majestic beauty. The sea has such power, each wave coordinately smashing against whatever stands in its way. Sea erosion, most commonly known as coastal erosion, is the slow process of wave action constantly shaping and reshaping the coastlines of our world. In The Old Man and the Sea, Ernest Hemingway portrays nature as a continuum-an endless progression of the invention and destruction which is ultimatelyRead MoreThe Old Man and the Sea900 Words   |  4 PagesThe Old Man and the Sea is a short, but rich novel about an old fisherman who, after eighty-fou r unsuccessful days in a row, hooks the largest fish of his life. Written by Ernest Hemingway in 1951, and published in 1952, the novel was the last of Hemingway’s novels to be published during his lifetime. The book was praised by critics, and became an immediate success. The story was also awarded the Pulitzer Prize for fiction, and was a factor in Hemingway winning a Nobel Prize. The story was publishedRead MoreThe Old Man And The Sea Essay1718 Words   |  7 Pagesearly to mid 20th century. Known mainly for his success in writing the critically acclaimed novel, The Old Man and the Sea, Hemingway had many symbolic meanings instituted throughout this novel and many other works. Many having the theme of a hero confronting a natural force, as seen when Santiago confronts the mighty sea. Along with the heroic themes, Hemingway had become a religious Catholic man growing up and decided to include many religious references and biblical allusions. Since the beginningRead Mor eThe Old Man And The Sea1128 Words   |  5 PagesLiterature Analysis 3 The Old Man and the Sea was written by Ernest Hemingway. It was published by the Charles Scribner’s Sons in 1952, and contains 127 pages. The genre is literary fiction. The story is about an old man named Santiago who fishes alone in the Gulf Stream and has been very unsuccessful for the past 84 days. A simple tale, this takes timeless themes of courage of one man’s struggle and personal triumph. The author’s purpose was to write both a realistic andRead MoreThe Old Man And The Sea1412 Words   |  6 Pagesboth having completely different writing styles and ideas, seem to have an underlying similarity in how they view leadership and heroism. The Old Man and the Sea by Ernest Hemmingway and Sea of Poppies by Amitav Ghosh both show internal battles and undeniable fate within characters throughout each novel. In The Old Man and the Sea Hemmingway uses Santiago, the old Cuban fisherman, to represent internal transformation, renewed life, triumph, and defeat. Ghosh also represents similar struggles throughRead MoreThe Old Man And The Sea1586 Words   |  7 Pageswithin the plot of the novel, The Old Man and the Sea and the motion picture, Life of Pi. In the novel, the old fisherman, Santiago spends a few days out at sea attempting to capture the fish of his dreams. He battles through pain, thirst and hunger in order to bring the Marlin to the shore. However, whi le losing his prey, he gains a priceless experience combined with pride, respect and compassion. On the other hand, the main character in the movie survives at sea for 227 days with a wild animal,Read MoreThe Old Man And The Sea1121 Words   |  5 Pagesimpact on the author of The Old Man and The Sea, Ernest Hemingway. Gertrude, an American novelist, poet, playwright and art collector, served as a mentor for Ernest. The novelist also served as a godmother to Ernest along with her companion, Alice B. Toklas. Ernest Hemingway used his experience with Gertrude in his 1952 book, The Old Man and The Sea. Santiago and Manolin share a relationship similar to Ernest Hemingway and Gertrude Stein. Throughout The Old Man and The Sea, Ernest Hemingway providesRead MoreThe Old Man And The Sea1395 Words   |  6 PagesBoth The Old Man and the Sea by Ernest Hemingway and â€Å"To Build a Fire† by Jack London both explore the literary conflict of man verses nature. Both main characters sha re many similarities; however, they also have various differences that set them apart as well. In The Old Man and the Sea the story is about Santiago, an old fisherman who sets out one day and catches the fish of a lifetime. Santiago then spends multiple days fighting the fish in the middle of the ocean. â€Å"To Build a Fire† is about aRead MoreThe Old Man And The Sea993 Words   |  4 Pages one Earnest Hemingway’s The Old Man and the Sea, is a captivating story about and old seasoned fisherman named Santiago. It is a tale of his epic struggle with the greatest catch of his life after not catching anything for eighty-four days. He face psychological challenges and encounters multiple villains. Santiago is fishing with a young boy named Manolin and the boy leaves the old man to go on another boat. Hemingway explains to us why they boy had to leave the boat. â€Å"But after forty

Monday, December 9, 2019

Princess Diana (305 words) Essay Example For Students

Princess Diana (305 words) Essay Princess DianaPrincess Diana was an exceptional leader. Diana worked as a kindergarten teacherin London until her engagement to Prince Charles was announced in February of1981. She wed Prince Charles in an internationally televised ceremony on July29, 1981. Almost immediately, Shy Di as she was initially called bythe press, blossomed into the peoples Princess. Princess Dianacontributed to society in so many ways; she would always go the extra mile tohelp people in need. While she became the president or patron for over 100charities, there were many more that she raised funds and campaigned for. Dianawas the busiest of the royal family. She was not just fulfilling a schedule orparticipating just for the adulation; she was a person of compassion expressinga genuine love for people. Princess Diana was spontaneous in ways, happilyturning away from royal protocol to kiss a child in a crowd or writing lettersto individuals of the public and signing them love, Diana. Herleadership was truly remarkable because she made every effort to reach out tothose that not everyone wanted to reach out to. Princess Diana could always befound walking with, hugging, really listening to those people in situations thatsome might help from a distance such as the sick, the elderly, those with aids,the homeless, the battered, the drug-addicted, people maimed by land mines.Princess Diana led the royal family out of a period of rapidly declining supportfrom the people. Since her death, the royal family continues to make efforts inmaintain the closeness with the people that the Princess had formed. They havelearned much about leadership from the Princess and it is a legacy to her thatthe royal family practices what they have learned. In recognition of all hercharity work, representatives of the charities with which Princess Diana hadworked were asked to walk behind her coffin with her family the day of herfuneral.

Sunday, December 1, 2019

The Global Financial Crisis free essay sample

The Global Financial Crisis (SGF) was followed by the deepest recession in the world economy since World War II. The Australian economy performed better during this period than most other advanced economies on nearly all relevant indicators. Although financial and economic conditions were stressed, the financial system worked remarkably well (Tony Morning, 2011). Diverse factors have been stood in to explain this strong Australian economy performance during this recession. These include the strength of Australian financial system, the monetary and fiscal policy response and the Australian government commissions well performing. This paper looks at only Australian Securities and Investment Commission (ASIA) performance during the SGF relating with Australian corporate ethical culture. The term corporate ethical culture might have a range of explanation and definition. However in this paper this term will relates only the meaning of what kind of decisions workers are making. Are those decisions base on Just getting the Job done whether it hasnt ethical value or getting the Job ethically right way. We will write a custom essay sample on The Global Financial Crisis or any similar topic specifically for you Do Not WasteYour Time HIRE WRITER Only 13.90 / page Applying this reemerging this paper will focus on Australian corporate culture whether it is strong or weak. Secondly its going to demonstrate how ASIA performed during the recession complying the ethical issue. Apart . It is important to find out does Australia has positive or negative corporate ethical culture. Even though comparing with other countries ethical culture is far more accurate method to discuss Australian ethical culture, there are might be some challenges due to what kind of dimensions are used to compare. For example if comparing the maturity level of ethical culture with efferent countries the Australian ethical culture is at a different stage of maturity comparing with other countries; such as Europe and US (Institute of Chartered Accountants Australia, 2013). The recent study mentioned in Europe and the US, business ethics is more recognized as a management discipline informed by comprehensive body of range of researches, yet in Australia business ethics is still seen in compliance level. However some author such as Luke Montage argues that corporate law has been modernized in the legislations as well as in applied level Montage, 2007). He continues that Australia has applied the approach in preferring broadly worded principles instead of detailed rules and encouraging it via the stock exchange; because all these aspects make more sense for corporate governance system with traditionally stronger features. For example in 2007 the Corporations Amendment (solvency) Act was legislated (strengthen protection of employee entitlements, improve insolvency practitioner disclosures to creditors, streamline procedures for liquidating corporate groups; extend Saiss investigative powers in monitoring liquidators and improve court processes regarding misconduct by company officers; stricter regulation of insolvency practitioners; fine tune (Treasury, 2007)). Furthermore indicators which are evaluated by different organizations show that Australia has strong ethical culture. Regarding to a global index on corruption which publishes By Transparency International (IT) Australia ranked in the best 10 countries (International, December 2012). Furthermore in 2011 three of Australian top tour banks were included in the 2 s Most Ethical Companies list Deciphers, 2011). Thus there is no aggregate measurement which indicates does Australia has strong ethical culture or not. However few indications claim that Australia ranked in the quite top best performing country in business ethical culture. Apart. Turning to the issue of how ASIA had performed during the SGF and what kind of relationships does corporate ethical culture has with economic performance. First it is important to look at what kind of relationship does corporate ethical culture has with company and with economic performance. The US 2009 National Business Ethics Survey demonstrated a few main findings ( Ethics Resource Center, 2010). Those findings showed that recognizing the importance of ethical culture in a company has an esoteric impact on the way of workplace behavior which can lead business in risk. The one of the most insightful finding was in stronger ethical cultures, employees feel engaged and committed to the company and the company is protected from the risks associated with misconduct and lurking ethics issues. The ARC survey also supported this idea showing that there is a very strong correlation between a positive ethical culture and lower company risk (The Ethics Resource Center, 2012). What ASIA had done during this period is another area for consideration. According to the ASIA story about how they respond to the SGF the chairman of ASIA mentioned that the SGF impact on Australian security and investment market was less than in the US and The I-J (Australian Securities and Investments Commission, 2010). He continued whit the main four points that ASIA developed during the 2009 recession. One of these points was about ethical culture issue. Chairman of ASIA in the Trans-Tasmania Business Circle 30th of November, 201 lath event mentioned: In a crisis such as the SGF, financial and other pressures on participants in these markets increases and, notwithstanding overall good corporate ethics in Australia, can lead to wrongdoing. ASIA has continued to act decisively to investigate and punish wrongdoing. (Australian Securities and Investments Commission, 2010). According the ASIA report ASIA has continued to act decisively to investigate and punish wrongdoing. During and aftermath of the recession ASIA was continued the investigation and civil penalties. In addition, leading up to recession, ASIA had significantly improved its source in improving market integrity and punishing insider trading and market manipulation. Thus it can argue that ethical issue has played significant role in encouraging the Australian economy to avoid more serious damage in during recession period. It could supported with idea that was mentioned before having an engagement in ethical behavior to reputations makes the company more effective and allows them to prevent reputation risk and ethical business cares an integral part of what drives company success. As long as company success leads the economic to growth, ethical culture is one of the factors that derive the economy to growth. End of apart To sum up the second part of this paper Australia possibly does have a positive and strong corporate ethical culture which is demonstrated from global indicators.

Tuesday, November 26, 2019


Present Continuous Worksheets for ESL/EFL The present continuous is used to talk about what is happening at the moment, as well as for future scheduled events and takes the following forms: Present Continuous Positive Form Subject to be (am, are, is) present participle (ing form of verb) objects Peters working in the garden at the moment.Were meeting Tom at five oclock. Present Continuous Negative Form Subject to be (am, are, is) not verb objects Mary isnt watching TV now. Shes outside.They arent working at the moment. Theyre on a break. Present Continuous Question Form (Question Word) to be (am, are, is) subject present participle (ing form of verb)? What are you doing?Where is Tim hiding? No Present Continuous with Stative Verbs The present continuous, and continuous forms in general, are used with action verbs such as talk, drive, play, etc. The continuous form is not used with stative verbs such as be, seem, taste, etc. Some stative verbs can be used as action verbs so there are some exceptions. For example: smell - It smells good. (stative verb) / He is smelling the roses. (action verb) He seems happy.This tastes very sweet.It doesnt appear to be difficult. Time Expressions with Present Continuous for Present Action Now / At the Moment Now and at the moment refer to the moment of speaking. These two expressions are often used with the present continuous. Its also possible to use the present continuous without these time expressions depending on the context. Shes taking a shower at the moment.Were having dinner now.Daren is studying for the test. Currently / This Week - Month / Today Currently, this week / month and today are used to speak about what is happening around the present moment. These forms are often used in work to speak about a project in progress. Jasons taking the day off today.Theyre working on the Smith account.Are you developing plans for the new project? Time Expressions with Present Continuous for Future Scheduled Action Next / On / At The present continuous is also used for planned events in the future such as meetings. Use future time expressions such as next, tomorrow, at time, on day,  in month etc. Were meeting next Thursday to discuss the issue.Im presenting at two oclock tomorrow.Shes having lunch with Peter on Monday. Present Continuous Worksheet 1 Conjugate the verb in parentheses in the present continuous tense. In the case of questions, use the indicated subject as well. Alexander _____ (study) for his exams at the moment.Where _____ (you meet) Tim next week?She _____ (not play) Golf tomorrow.They _____ (make) dinner now.The company (not finish) the plans this week.She _____ (eat) oysters for lunch right now.David _____ (not fly) to Chicago next week.I _____ (work) on a special report today.We _____ (not cook) dinner this evening because were eating out._____ (Tom drive) to work right now?Alice _____ (read) a new book at the moment.They _____ (not prepare) for the science exam at the moment.When _____ (you have) lunch tomorrow?We _____ (joke)!_____ (they give) a party this weekend?Susan _____ (make) the decision at 3 oclock this afternoon.People _____ (play) tennis golf on a beautiful day like this!What _____ (you do)?!He _____ (bake) a cake at the moment.Which motel _____ (they stay) at now? Present Continuous Worksheet 2 Choose the correct time expression used with the present continuous tense. They are cooking dinner (on the moment / now).The company is preparing a report for their most important client (last / this) week.My sister is studying for a test (at the moment / in the moment).Were meeting Brian (on / at) three oclock.(Currently / Current) were working on the Anderson account.They arent coming for dinner (this / at) evening.Susan is playing tennis with Tim (now / then).What are you doing (this / next) afternoon?Theyre enjoying dinner (at / next) the moment.What are you doing (tomorrow / yesterday) afternoon?Henry is making the presentation (at / on) Wednesday.Our teacher is helping us with grammar (that / this) morning.My dog is barking (at the moment / in the moment).Were finishing the business report (today / yesterday).The clock is striking twelve oclock right (now / soon). Its time to go!Frank is flying to Chicago (this / that) morning.Were reading that book (at the moment / on the moment).Thomas is presenting at the meeting (on / in) April.Shes mowing the law n (now / moment). Theyre developing a new product (this / last) month. Present Continuous Worksheet 3 Decide whether the following sentences use present continuous for action at the moment (NOW), action around the current moment in time (AROUND), or for a future scheduled action (FUTURE). Were working on the Smith account this month.Just a moment, I think hes working out in the garden.Jennifers meeting with Tom later today.Im looking for a new job currently.Were discussing the issue on Wednesday.Jakes finishing his homework right now.Alans working with Tom later today.Theyre making dinner for us tonight.Im sorry I dont have time. Im mowing the lawn.Shes looking for a new home as shed like to move soon. Worksheet 1 - Answers is studying  are you meeting  isnt playing  are making  Ã‚  isnt finishing  is eating  isnt flying  am working  arent cooking  Is Tom driving  is reading  arent preparingare you having  are joking!Are they giving  is making  are playing  are you doingis bakingare they staying Worksheet 2 - Answers nowthis weekat the momentat three oclockCurrentlythis eveningnowthis afternoonat the momenttomorrow afternoonon Wednesdaythis morningat the momenttodayright nowthis morningat the momentin AprilnowThis month Worksheet 3 - Answers Around the moment  NowFutureAround the momentFutureNowFutureFuture / NowNowAround the moment

Saturday, November 23, 2019

How to Write a Book Review Top 3 Stages to Creating a Masterpiece

How to Write a Book Review Top 3 Stages to Creating a Masterpiece The value of a book review can never be underestimated. Whenever we want something more than a book abstract, the review format is what we should be looking for. It saves readers heaps of time by providing the gist of the book in just one or two pages. Readers dont have to go through two or three hundred pages of a book to see if it is what they are looking for. Having to read a piece of fiction is one thing, but when you need to go through hundreds of, say, scholarly books and you need to keep up the pace, you understand the value of book review writing. But lets get to the core. BOOK REPORT Book reviews are different from book summaries, where you have to enumerate characters, sum up the events and so on. Book review writing requires you to state your opinion regarding the book and provide critical commentary. In this sense, a book review is related to critical appraisal or critical essay. Preparation before Reading Preparation is the key to success. You will always be at an advantage if you know the context of the book and author, i.e. when it was written, what inspired the writer to work on it, how he prepared for it and so on. You will be able to understand the product better and understand the historical circumstances it was created in. Plus, it will show you have taken extra steps to prepare, taken some time to investigate and learned the details. That will give you an extra credit in your class. Reading Note-Taking Once you have gathered the background information, you are ready to dig in. Sit down with a sheet of paper and a pencil and write out the important stuff. Here is what you should state in your book review: Full Title Author Name Last Name Publishing House Year of Publication Edition and Number Include your overall impression into the introduction to state your opinion about the book you are commenting on. Speak about the purpose of the book, its intended audience, and the general message. You should also introduce your main thought (or thesis statement) and maintain it throughout the paper. Once you  are done with the introductory part, proceed to the body, where you should dwell in greater detail on the ideas expressed in the introduction, support them with evidence, point strengths and weaknesses of the book and so on. Conclusion reiterates and sums up the thoughts from the introduction and body paragraphs. Post Writing Post writing refers to proofreading and editing phase of writing. Once you are done with the draft, go ahead and put your book review aside. It works best to put it aside for a few hours or days and then return to read through it once again. The second pass will help you spot grammar and spelling mistakes will show if your book review needs to be structured differently, whether or not its convincing to the reader and so on. As soon as proofreading is done, you are ready to publish and/or submit your paper. BOOK REPORT vs. BOOK REVIEW If book report is the assignment you need to deal with, but arent just sure how   and its team of professional writers are happy to help. We can help you to work on either a part of your book review (e.g. doing background research), or assist you with writing the entire paper. All papers are scanned for plagiarism, so you are guaranteed to receive a fully authentic paper thats been custom written to meet your needs. is the service you can trust! Place an order and get your professionally written book review in time!

Thursday, November 21, 2019

Johnson and Johnson Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 2500 words

Johnson and Johnson - Essay Example However, the operation of Johnson and Johnson is guided by its famous credo which is translated in 36 languages around the globe.1 This credo has become the company's guiding light in fulfilling its role to its various stakeholders which include its customers, its employees, its community, and its stockholders. In its quest to satisfy its customers, Johnson and Johnson promises the delivery of high quality products and services and efficient operations to maintain reasonable prices. The company also promises to enable its suppliers and distributors make a good profit from their partnerships. Johnson and Johnson recognizes the huge role carried out by its employees to ensure its success. With this, its credo promises the elimination of discrimination, hazardous working condition and abuse. Instead, the company provides respect, job security, equitable compensation, and opportunities for growth. Johnson and Johnson also encourages its employee to voice their various concerns. The compa ny is also mindful of the externalities it bring to the society where it operates. With this, Johnson and Johnson strive to become a good corporate citizen by supporting charities, paying taxes, and pushing for sustainable development. Lastly, Johnson and Johnson gives credit to its stockholders by ensuring the profitability of its operations (Johnson and Johnson 3). The credo of Johnson and Johnson provides a glimpse of the company's goals and objectives namely profitability, innovation, social responsibility, growth, and leadership. As with any other business organization, Johnson and Johnson's primary goal is the maximization of profit. With this, the company can have the financial muscle to back its operations. At the heart of its goals is the innovation of products which can be released to the public in order to convey greater customer satisfaction. Johnson and Johnson's goal of maintaining sustainable development is fueled by its being a socially responsible business organization. The company also continues to push for growth and market leadership. In order to achieve these goals, Johnson and Johnson has crafted strategies. On the corporate level, the company is seen to utilize its credo to achieve its numerous goals. However, the interdependence within its departments and the diversity of its product line leads to multiple strategies within its divisions. Taken altogether, the company's primary strategy in fulfilling its goal is the creation of high quality medicine, medical equipment, and consumer goods at reasonable prices. In order to market its product efficiently, Johnson and Johnson creates an excellent brand image by actively taking part in socially responsible programs and activities. It can also be seen that one of its main strategies is the acquisition of small companies which have embarked on promising new products. The company's broad product lines and growth has been the result of numerous acquisitions. However, it can also be seen that the business organization is slowly coming to grips with the reality that thi s strategy is unsustainable in the long run and that it needs to develop new products. Johnson and Johnson is comprised of three main divisions-Pharmaceuticals, Devices and Diagnostics, and Consumer Goods (Johnson and Joh

Tuesday, November 19, 2019


WHAT IS THE ADVANTGE OF COMING TECHNOLOGY WITH EDUCATION - Essay Example of America, they offer distance education to people, who are living in different countries, students can save their time and money, they do not need to go the location of schools, they still can take the program of schools, and take degree or certification of schools from learning distance as well. Hence we can predict that technology is going to pervade every area of education in the coming century. One important area of education is teacher training. Unless teachers are competent, quality education cannot be delivered. Teachers until now held a pivotal position in the system of education. But with the introduction of technology in classrooms, the picture is going to change. According to William Clark Trow, â€Å"A gifted teacher is a fiction, an imaginary construct†. (William Trow, pp 105). A teacher is not only expected to have mastery over the subject but is expected to be a person with a good character, a balanced personality with diverse interests, at the same time one who has sympathy and understanding of the students, who can be a friend, philosopher, guide and mentor. Indeed, what Trow says is true. It is neither possible to find a single individual who possesses all qualities of a good teacher, nor is it possible to identify potential good teachers. But with t he introduction of technology, â€Å" – it is possible to devise instruments which measure abilities directly, provide instruction at the point where each learner is, and allow him to go on from there ---â€Å" ( Trow, pp 107 ). â€Å"All this will bring a profound change in education. We will stop training individuals to be teachers.† (R.B. Fuller, pp 43)The role of teachers will change. Teacher will be a guide, facilitator, who will only help the student to acquire knowledge on his own. Fuller has called this as ‘Automation in education†, which has ‘Freed the scholar to return to his studies.† This shows that scholars will be motivated to pursue their own studies. The attention of the

Sunday, November 17, 2019

Is gambling a good idea Essay Example for Free

Is gambling a good idea Essay There are many people gamble now a day. It is good or bad? some people think it is a good entreatment for killing time and relax, but is it a health entreatment for us? or it is just a activity that make us addicted and use all our money and time for it. Why people love gambling? there are lots of reason that a person get in to gambling. there are people said that when they gamble at the casino, they can throw all they problems away and be happy. some on the other said that it is a fun and relax when they gamble. the thrill of winning and getting back the money they lost. those are some of the reasons why people get in to gambling. There are good effects of gambling â€Å"Maryland will be following the examples set in the U. K. , where cash prizes are used to encourage citizens to buy savings bonds, and Michigan, which since 2009 has allowed credit unions to hold lotteries; anyone making a deposit of $25 or more is entered to win. †(1). This is some facts, For example, when a person is gambling, he \ she will use his \ her thinking skills (Critical thinking skills), that person need to use many strategies to win the game and that meanThe person makes use of judgment and decision making skills. The use of critical thinking and analytical skills are really health to our mind. The use of those skills can empower our brain by thinking and problem solving. Therefor when a person gamble, he \ she Is gambling a good idea! sharpening his \ her mind, on the other hand you can say it is health. Some other gambler play at the casino, and they describe it as a kind of a therapy. they said when they play at the casino, they can relax, because most casino offer free drinks and food. Some of it play soft music etc. The field of health aims to promote relaxation. The gamblers find relaxation in gambling which can cause some good effects to their health. Gambling is not all money. Many gamblers do not mind how much they win and lose. What is important for them is to have a great time and bond with their friends or even family. Most of the gambler are an addict, some of them even ignore their family life , focusing on gambling and gambling all alone â€Å"Significant child neglect has been reported, with 10-17% of children of compulsive gamblers being abused† ( by http:// www. scribd. com,A Bad Deal Gambling Facts) . they will not care about everything, for example their family and their work etc, and patrick murray said â€Å"Ive had bad luck with both my wives. The first one left me and the second one didnt†. For a gambling addict, nothing matter but gambling. Gambling can bleed your bank account dry. Those addicted in gambling almost end up saving money allotted for more important things like health or medical insurance. They find themselves in big gambling debts that they will never be able to pay for. If unlucky, they end up in a mess with loansharks who would go after their lives if they are unable to pay. â€Å"Problem gambling is harmful to psychological and physical health. People dealing with this addiction can suffer from depression, migraine, distress, intestinal disorders and other anxiety related problems. Ultimately, severe problem gambling can lead to Is gambling a good idea! suicide. The rate of problem gambling has risen globally over the last few years. †(2) Most people with gambling problems say they lost control over how much time and money they spend gambling. Meanwhile, they ignored other responsibilities. They knew they had problems, but only gambling seemed important. In conclusion, gambling is a bad activity â€Å"The effect from gambling for a problem gambler is comparable to someone taking a tranquilizer, a drug, or having a drink. The sensation experienced is similar, although no substance is ingested. The gambling behavior alters the persons mood and state of mind. The gambler is hooked and keeps repeating the behavior, attempting to achieve that same effect†(3). but it is not all negative. In moderation , gambling is fine to play, it is always fun to have a good time with your friends or family in the casino. Throwing a few dice and have fun, but please remember that the dealer is made to win. Casinos are design to trick people into playing longer, spend more and losing more. sometime people will get lucky, but most of the time you do not. There are many people have a really hard time shaking a gambling addiction, in my opinion, gambling just like drugs and alcohol, it will affects mostly the people you love and you care about. As i said, it is really bad and negative, but it dose not have to be â€Å"Gambling itself isnt bad, if you understand the game and can control yourself. The only bad thing is doing what someone else wants you to do, rather than what you want to do. Whether its gambling, or drinking or smoking, or any other activity, you should decide whether or not you want to do it. You shouldnt give in to pressure from other people† by (PokerChic). As PokerChic said, it is not a bad idea to gamble, but how you gamble and how you defined gambling is a big problem. No matter if you want to get in to gambling or not, this article is only for reference only. Is gambling a good idea! Reference 1. Christian Nordqvist (2012) How is gambling bad for you :Medical News Today 2. Brad Tuttle (2012) Gambling for good. :Time business and money 3. Christian Nordqvist (2012) How is gambling bad for you :Medical News Today.

Thursday, November 14, 2019

Factors Affecting the Decomposition of Marble Buildings by Acid Rain :: GCSE Chemistry Coursework Investigation

Factors Affecting the Decomposition of Marble Buildings by Acid Rain Background Acid Rain: Nitrogen acids and sulphur dioxides come out of tall chimneys and vehicles. These go into the air, and air currents carry the gases away, and they react with water vapour and oxygen. This produces H2SO4 (sulphuric acid) and HNO3 (nitric acid). The acids become part of a cloud, and it falls down to earth, as acid rain or snow. This can end up miles away from the original source. The acid rain removes nutrients from soil, so plants can not get to them, so this eventually kills surrounding die. It can also get into lakes and rivers, which can kill fish. The same is true for acid snow as it kills fish in rivers and lakes. Rates of reactions: This is how quick a reaction is, you can find out the rate of a reaction by seeing how much of it is used up in a particular amount of time. You could also measure how much is produced as a result of the reaction in a particular amount of time. Reactions take place because of collisions, the particles (can be atoms, ions or molecules) collide, and a reaction occurs between particles. If there are more collisions, the reaction will be much quicker. But it also depends on whether the collision has enough energy, to be successful. If there is not enough energy, then the collision will be unsuccessful, but if there is, it will be successful, and a reaction will occur. Unsuccessful collisions take place when the activation energy is not reached. The activation energy is the amount of energy needed for a successful collision. There are factors which affect the rate of a reaction, and also if the collisions are successful or not. Temperature rise gives particles more energy, and as thy move around more and much quicker they have collisions. Also it gives particles more energy, so that when they collide the collisions are more successful. Both these things mean that there is a faster reaction rate. But, if temperature decreases there is a slower reaction rate, as there is less energy. If there is larger surface area, it also means that reactions are quicker. The reason for this is that there are more particles exposed to take part in collisions. So the more collisions means, more successful collisions, and a faster reaction rate. If surface area is decreased, then there are fewer exposed particles, therefore a slower reaction rate. Also concentration, affects reaction rate. In gases it is the pressure. If there is a greater concentration, then there are more particles in the same volume.

Tuesday, November 12, 2019

The renal system

The renal system includes the kidneys, ureters, bladder and urethra. (virtual medical center 2006) It consists of all the organs responsible for the formation and release of urine. The kidneys perform vital functions like getting rid of waste through the excretion of urine. It regulates the amount of water in the body and allows filtration of sodium and chlorides. (virtual medical center 2006) It maintains the volume and composition of body fluid. (renal system 2006) The kidneys are â€Å"bean-shaped organ located in the lower part o the belly, situated in the posterior wall of the abdomen. (renal system 2006)The left kidney is slightly higher than the right in the abdomen to allow for the liver. (renal system 2006) There are two distinct regions of the kidney; medulla and cortex. The blood supply is taken directly from the aorta thru renal arteries and returned to the inferior vena cava thru renal veins. (renal system 2006) The nephron is the unit of the kidney that acts and respon sible for ultrafiltration and excretion of the waste products. (renal system 2006) Urine, the filtered waste material, will be passed down the ureters and collects in the bladder. (renal system)The ureters are tubes lined with smooth muscle. The 25-30cm long tubes help carry the urine through the bladder. The urine will be forced forward with the help of the muscular tissue. (virtual medical center 2006) Then the urethral sphincter at the base of the bladder relaxes, the detrusor contracts, and urine is negated thru the urethra. (renal system 2006)The bladder is located in our pelvis and pyramidal in shaped. It stores the urine and releases it into a tube which extracted the urine out of the body. (virtual medical center 2006) It can normally hold up to 500mls of urine. It has three openings which includes two for the ureters and one for the urethra. (virtual medical center 2006) The main muscle of the bladder is called detrusor that contracts to allow the urine to flow. The nervous control of the bladder that sends signal and tell us that the bladder is full is located in the brain and spinal cord. (virtual medical center 2006) The blood supply of the bladder is from many blood vessels named vesical arteries, obturator, uterine, gluteal and vaginal arteries. (virtual renal system site)The tube that is located from the bladder neck to the top of the vaginal opening is the female urethra whereas, the male urethra is running from the bladder to the tip of the penis. Female urethra is more prone to infections from bacteria than male urethra due to it is shorter in size. (virtual medical center 2006) The blood vessels of the female urethra are the internal pudendal and vaginal arteries. The male urethra is supplied through inferior vesical and middle rectal arteries. (virtual renal system site)An acute renal failure is a disease of the kidneys and a common medical condition that complicates hospital and intensive care unit admissions. (virtual medical center 2006)    It occurs suddenly and initiated by primal causes like dehydration, infection, kidney injuries and chronic use of over the counter pain medications. (virtual medical center 2006) It is often reversible and with no lasting damage. In renal failure, kidneys are not functioning properly or not work at all. Kidneys are unable to filter waste, produce urine and imbalances fluids. The dysfunction of the kidneys results building up of toxins which produces complications. (Gunsch 2006)Renal failure symptoms include edema or the accumulation of fluid distinctive in swelling, decrease in urination, general ill feeling, exhaustion and headaches. (Gunsch 2006)Often, these symptoms were not experience by a person with renal failure. (Gunsch 2006) A person with renal failure can actually lead a normal life. The recovery of the patient with renal failure will be depending on the severity, treatment options and patient’s coping to the rigors of renal failure. But to some cases, dialysis and kidney transplant is needed. (Gunsch 2006) Management of the treatment includes general measures or monitors to prevent complications, treat precipitating cause, and can be treated with medications or may require dialysis.   (wirual medical center 2003)Mary is admitted to the ward with acute renal failure. She is very confused and anxious. She is accompanied by her husband and daughter. She has high blood pressure and a respiratory rate of 30. She also has low urine out put. Mary might have felt self pity and a burden to her family. In Roper’s activities of living model (1918-2004), it stresses patient’s continual assessment, facilitation of normal activities of living and individualized care.It considers and respects the characteristics of a person prior to development. (Roper 1918-2004) The â€Å"model of living† incorporates twelve activities that engaged a person whether sick or well. (Roper 1918-2004) It includes maintaining a safe environment, breathing, communication, mobilizing, eating and drinking, eliminating, personal cleansing and dressing, maintaining body temperature, working and playing, sleeping, expressing sexuality and dying   Ã‚  (Roper 1918-2004)To be able to provide care for Mary without making her feel as a burden or imbecile, she should be given the chance to have her individualism. Although she should be given special care and attention, she should be given a part to the treatment she is undergoing. Like if in case she needs to take her medicine, she should be the one to take it but her family or the attendants should also notify her the appointed time that it should be taken. Communication is highly regarded in this situation as well. Through having conversation with the patient not only shows that you care for her but also makes her feel that she is not disgusting.Mary should also be given assistance in personal cleansing, dressing and maintaining to have a good environment but not to a point that her personality will be injured. Her family should be involved in every activities or treatment that she is undergoing. Mary could have a certain activity every week that will detach her in always thinking about her sickness that makes her confused and anxious. Certain social activities or programs should be conducted or if in case having a new learning experience like training for dressmaking, cosmetology, or the likes that will be useful as well when she’ s already well. Death issues should also be planned so that she will have a pain free and dignified death wherever possible. Spiritual emphasis is also helpful for Mary to cope up with the situation. Lastly, she should also be treated and informed that her sickness could be cured and not retrieved 13 October 2006, Kidney, Available at:, J. 2006, What is Renal Failure?, Available at: mNorthern Care Homes Directory 28 August 2000, Hulton Care Nursing Home, Available at: System retrieved 13 October 2006, Available at:, Nancy, 1918-2004, Activities of Living Model, Available at: Medical Center 28 March 2006, Anatomy & Physiology of the Renal System, Available at: Medical Center   9 October 2003,   Renal Failure – Acute, Available at: retrieved 13 October 2006, Kidney, Available at:

Sunday, November 10, 2019

Job Order and Process Costing Systems †Quiz Essay

Question : (TCO F) Assume there is no beginning work in process inventory and the ending work in process inventory is 100% complete with respect to materials costs. The number of equivalent units with respect to materials costs under the weighted-average method is: Â  Student Answer: XX the same as the number of units put into production. less than the number of units put into production. the same as the number of units completed. less than the number of units completed. Â   Instructor Explanation: Chapter 4 Points Received: 5 of 5 Comments: Great job 2. Question : (TCO F) Process costing would be appropriate for each of the following except: Student Answer: XX custom furniture manufacturing. oil refining. grain milling. newsprint production. Instructor Explanation: Chapter 4 Points Received: 5 of 5 Comments: Great job Question : (TCO F) Lucas Company uses the weighted-average method in its process costing system. The company adds materials at the beginning of the process in the Forming Department, which is the first of two stages in its production process. Information concerning operations in the Forming Department in October follows: Question : (TCO F) During December at Ingrim Corporation, $74,000 of raw materials were requisitioned from the storeroom for use in production. These raw materials included both direct and indirect materials. The indirect materials totaled $6,000. The journal entry to record the requisition from the storeroom would include a: Student Answer: debit to Raw Materials of $74,000. XX debit to Work in Process of $68,000. credit to Manufacturing Overhead of $6,000. debit to Work in Process of $74,000. Instructor Explanation: Chapter 3 Points Received: 5 of 5 Comments: Great job 6. Question : (TCO F) Wedd Corporation had $35,000 of raw materials on hand on May 1. During the month, the company purchased an additional $68,000 of raw materials. During May, $92,000 of raw materials were requisitioned from the storeroom for use in production. These raw materials included both direct and indirect materials. The indirect materials totaled $5,000. The debits to the Work in Process account as a consequence of the raw materials transactions in May total: Student Answer: $92,000. $0. $68,000. XX $87,000. Instructor Explanation: Chapter 3 Points Received: 5 of 5 Comments: Great job 1. Question : (TCO F) Some companies use process costing and some use job-order costing. Which method a company uses depends on its industry. A number of companies in different industries are listed below: i. Custom boat builder ii. Frozen cranberry juice processor iii. Concrete block manufacturer iv. Winery that produces a number of varietal wines v. Aluminum refiner that makes aluminum ingots from bauxite ore For each company, indicate whether the company is most likely to use job-order costing or process costing. Student Answer: Job order costing is where a company produces different products each period, they are made to order, All costs are traced to each job and requires that each job has documentation of all costs associated with it. Process costing is when a company produces a single product for a long period of time and the product is the same or very similar, the costs are accumulated by department. i. Custom boat builder= Job-order costing ii. Frozen cranberry juice processor= process costing iii. Concrete block manufacturer= process costing iv. Winery that produces a number of varietal wines= Job-order Costing v. Aluminum refiner that makes aluminum ingots from bauxite ore= process costing 3. Question : (TCO F) Harmon Company uses the weighted-average method in its process costing system. The Curing Department of Harmon Company reported the following information for the month of November. Units Percentage complete with respect to conversion Work in process, November 1 10,000 80% Units started 28,000 Completed and transferred out 30,000 Work in process, November 30 8,000 30% Costs for November Materials Conversion Work in process, November 1 $34,500 $48,600 Added during the month $146,000 $194,400 All materials are added at the beginning of the process. Required: Compute the following items using the weighted-average method: i. The equivalent units of production for materials. ii. The cost per equivalent unit for conversion. iii. The total cost assigned to units transferred out of the Curing Department during November. iv. The cost assigned to work in process inventory as of November 30. Student Answer: Harmon Company i. The equivalent units of production for materials. = 38,000 (See math below) Transferred out= 30,000+ work in process 8,000= 38,000 ii. The cost per equivalent unit for conversion.= $7.50 (see math below) total weighted average units= 8,000 *.3= 24000 plus 30,000 that was transfer= 32,400 Conversion- 48,600 + added during month 194,400= 243,000 cost per unit 243,000/ total weighted avg unit 32,400 = $7.50 per unit iii. The total cost assigned to units transferred out of the Curing Department during November. = Materials= $142,500 (see math below) Conversion= $225,000 Total cost= $367,500 Materials = work in process plus added during month ( 34,500+146,000) = 180500 transferred materials divide by total average unit= 30,000/38,000=.7894 180500*.7894=$142,500 Materials Conversion= materials transferred times cost per equivalent unit 30,000*$7.50= 225,000 Add together for total cost= 225000+142500= 367500 iv. The cost assigned to work in process inventory as of November 30.= Materials $38,000 + conversion $18,000= Total cost $56,000 (See math below) Materials times ending work in process divide total materials= 34500+146000= 180500 180500* (8,000/38,000)= 38,000 Conversion ending work process inventory 8,000*.3=2,400 conversion cost conversion times per unit= 2,400*$7.50= $18,000 Total cost= 38,000+18,000= 56000 Instructor Explanation: Points Received: 15 of 15 Comments: Great job 4. Question : (TCO F) Honeysuckle Corporation has provided the following data for the month of January: Inventories Beginning Ending Raw materials $40,000 $23,000 Work In process $9,000 $13,000 Finished goods $52,000 $45,000 Additional Information Raw material purchases $68,000 Direct labor costs $90,000 Manufacturing overhead cost incurred $44,000 Indirect materials included in manufacturing overhead costs incurred $8,000 Manufacturing overhead cost applied to work in process $39,000 Prepare a Schedule of Cost of Goods Manufactured and a Schedule of Cost of Goods Sold in good form. Student Answer: Honeysuckle Corporation Schedule of Cost of Goods Manufactured Month of January Direct Materials: Raw Materials Inventory Begining $40,000 Add: Purchases of raw materials: $68,000 Raw Materials Available for use $108,000 Less Raw Materials Ending $(23,000) Raw Materials Used in Production $85,000 Direct Labor Cost $90,000 Manufacturing overhead Manufacturing overhead cost incurred $44,000 Indirect materials included in manufacture overhead costs incurred $8,000 Manufacturing overhead cost applied to work in process $39,000 Total Manufacturing Overhead $91,000 Total Manufacturing Cost $266,000 Add Work in Process Inventory, Beginning $9,000 Less Work Process Inventory end $(13,000) Cost of Goods Manufactured $528,000 Honeysuckle Cost of Goods Sold Month of January Finished Goods Inventory $45,000 Add Cost of Goods Manufactured $528,000 Goods Available for Sale $573,000 Deduct Finished Goods Inventory $45,000 Cost of Goods Sold $618,000

Thursday, November 7, 2019

The crucible context essay Essays

The crucible context essay Essays The crucible context essay Paper The crucible context essay Paper The Crucible is a play, written in America during the 1950s, by Arthur Miller. It is based on the true events that happened in the American town of Salem in the 1600s. Many Women and some men were arrested, trialled and imprisoned for alleged witchcraft. Twenty were hanged. However it is also influenced by other events that occurred before and during Arthur Millers life. For example the anti communist movement that is now known as McCarthyism. The period Miller wrote the crucible was the 1950s this was a time when new beginnings were happening in the USA and most people at that time were in search of the American dream. As James Truslow Adams describes it in his book entitled The Epic of America (1931) That dream of a land in which life should be better and richer and fuller for every man, with opportunity for each according to his ability or achievement. . It was the time when the cold war was threatening to get serious and break out into full scale war. The cold war was the conflict between the two super powers of the world; the communist Soviet Union and the capitalist United States. In 1953 the year of the plays first performance the Korean War had just come to an end, the Union of Soviet Socialist Republics (USSR) exploded its first hydrogen bomb and Joseph Stalin died. This all sparked an American movement now known as McCarthyism which loomed over and dominated American society throughout the 1950s. McCarthyism is the term that describes a period of intense anti-Communist suspicion initiated by Senator Joseph McCarthy however to began before he was ever involved. This period is also referred to as the Second Red Scare, McCarthyism later took on a more general meaning, not necessarily referring to the conduct of Joseph McCarthy alone. Everyone was being accused of dealings with communism in fact people were punished for doing anything that was considered un-american including Arthur Miller who was asked to give the names of people he knew who were believed to be communists but he refused, consequently he was fined and sentenced to prison, but he did not serve his sentence as it was dropped on appeal. He reflects his being asked to name names in his play the crucible in the scene where Abigail is asked to name witches in the town but unlike Miller she consents to save herself and falsely accuses various women in Salem of her crimes of witchcraft. The period the play is set in is the 1600s. The Puritans were the leading religion of the time it was formed in England. The puritans strongly believed in the separation from the Roman Catholic Church and its traditions, the movement away from the Episcopacy (the government of the Church by a hierarchy of bishops) towards a Reformed Protestant Church and theology, simplified forms of worship, an emphasis on personal interpretation of the Bible and harbored a deep dislike for church ritual, robes, music and idolatry. Their aim was to cleanse people from the remnants of Roman Catholicism, cleanse and convert them to Puritanism. A modern day equivalent of the Puritans would be the Quakers or the Amish. People began emigrating from England to Massachusetts in the 1620s with the intention of creating models of puritan life and theocracy, a religious institution. Salem originally settled in 1629 and was completely built from scratch in the wilderness. The frequent problem with this was viscous, fatal attacks from the Native Americans who were clearly there first. The community was run by a pioneering spirit. Their way of life was hard work and they abided by strict religious observance. This was a new world for all and the only way of life they ever knew. At the stage of the settlers in the crucible we find a small town in turmoil with itself. There are those within the town with a compelling temptation to rebel and break free from conformity and those who are desperately still trying to enforce the towns harsh rules because they are afraid of the unknown. Witchcraft, the exercise or invocation of alleged supernatural powers to control people or events, practices typically involve sorcery or magic, with the usual intention of harm. In early modern European history there was a mass witch scare; people lived in constant paranoid fear of supernatural activity meaning witchcraft. This terror was injected into people by the church. Christian theology portrayed witches as the servants of satan, who was indecently evil in carnation, witches were the ones responsible for attacking the upright godly and seducing the feeble, in fact they were scapegoats for everything bad that ever happened. So in order to rid themselves of these vermin, similarly to a person killing an innocent spider for the irrational fear of it, people would organise witch hunts with the intention of riding a town or village of all its filth meaning witches. Subsequently witch hunts were very popular from the 1400s to the mid seventeenth century. When a said witch was discovered it often resulted in public hysteria on a large scale. The alleged witch would then be trialled and imprisoned or put to death. Hence the strict, religion crazed Puritan settlers took this custom along with them from England to poison their new land, America. Thus when a group of young women were found cavorting naked around a fire and drinking frog juice it is not astounding that the conclusion of witchcraft was reached by the puritan authorities. Witchcraft to the puritans is the broad term given to anything that threatens to appose their perfect society. The girls behaviour was wild and out of control and if this attitude spread around Salem it would break the power of those in command e. g. reverend Paris. The witchcraft trials were a time when no one was above suspicion and so it became everyman for himself. Every person was desperately trying to save themselves from the noose and they soon discovered that they had to do to achieve this was repent and direct the blame at someone else. All that was needed to convict a witch was a witness that claimed that an apparition of the witch (that only they could see) demonically attacked them. This was always enough evidence to link the defendant with having an elicit affair with the devil. Those that testified obviously saw nothing. People began to use the trials for personal gain, land disputes were settled by one party accusing the other of witchery consequently they would be taken away and hanged and that was the end of that. Many had to testify against their neighbours with no choice if they wanted to save themselves from conviction. The Crucible isnt entirely historically accurate Miller admits in his notes to the play that he used dramatic license and fictionalised in order to make the play feasible, for example Abigail was in reality only twelve not sixteen it would not have been acceptable or appropriate for John Proctor to have a sexual affair with a twelve year old girl. However with a couple of exceptions the facts in the play are correct. In the middle of such a difficult time in American history Arthur Miller was able to make a subtle attack on McCarthyism (which was causing him and the rest of the nation so much strife) with his manuscript The Crucible about a parallel situation that happened over 200 years before. The Crucible even after such a long time still has modern day relevance. We can compare the play to the current affairs happening in the twenty first century as Miller did with McCarthyism. The witch scare in Salem is similar to the problem we face today with terrorism. Public terror is ensued by terrorist attacks just it was with rumours of witchcraft. However this modern day threat is far more real. There are still real people who call themselves witches in the 21st century and there are places around the world where witch hunts still take place. To incarcerate or kill someone for being a witch in 2007 would no longer be permitted because it would be seen as prejudice, just as it would be wrong to imprison a person for being black. If I were to stage a play of The Crucible this year I would use realism, but not for the visual, spatial or aural aspects. I would have the set minimalist and use emotive colours with props, of which there would be few. The cast would be dressed basically in brownish colours to reflect the peoples Puritanism culture. The props and furniture would be far apart from each other and the actors should use as much of the space as they can when performing. Id have the actors use modern day accents to imply modern day relevance. All this should be so, so that the audience can use their imaginations to create their own interpretations. Similarly to imagining the story when reading a book. The Crucible is a tragedy. It tells us that people were ignorantly cruel at that time. And that humanity is fallible when it comes down to doing what is morally righteous or saving itself from pain and hurt.

Tuesday, November 5, 2019

About PACs or Political Action Committees

About PACs or Political Action Committees Political Action Committees, commonly called PACs, are organizations dedicated to raising and spending money to either elect or defeat political candidates. PACs typically represent and advocate for the interests of business and industry, labor or ideological causes. Under current campaign finance laws, a PAC can contribute no more than $5,000 to a candidate committee per election- primary, general or special. In addition, PACs can give up to $15,000 annually to any national political party committee, and $5,000 annually to any other PAC. Individuals can contribute up to $5,000 to a PAC or party committee per calendar year. All PACs must be registered with the Federal Election Commission (FEC) in order to seek and accept contributions. According to the Federal Election Commission, a PAC is any entity that meets one of the following conditions: An authorized committee of a candidateAny club, association or other groups of persons that receives contributions or makes expenditures, either of which aggregate over $1,000 during a calendar yearA local unit of a political party (except a state party committee) that: (1) receives contributions aggregating over $5,000 during a calendar year; (2) makes contributions or expenditures either of which aggregate over $1,000 during a calendar year or (3) makes payments aggregating over $5,000 during a calendar year for certain activities that are exempt from the definitions of contribution and expenditure Where PACS Came From In 1944, the Congress of Industrial Organizations, the CIO part of what is today the AFL-CIO, wanted to help President Franklin Roosevelt get re-elected. Standing in their way was the Smith-Connally Act of 1943, which made it illegal for labor unions to contribute funds to federal candidates. The CIO went around Smith-Connally by urging individual union members to voluntarily contribute money directly to the Roosevelt campaign. It worked very well and PACs or political action committees were born. Since then, PACs have raised billions of dollars for thousands of causes and candidates. Connected PACS Most PACs are directly connected to specific corporations, labor groups, or recognized political parties. Examples of these PACs include Microsoft (a corporate PAC) and the Teamsters Union (organized labor). These PACs may solicit contributions from their employees or members and make contributions in the PACs name to either candidates or political parties. Nonconnected PACS Nonconnected or ideological PACs raise and spend money to elect candidates from any political party who support their ideals or agendas. Nonconnected PACs are made up of individuals or groups of U.S. citizens, not connected to a corporation, a labor party or a political party. Examples of nonconnected PACs include groups like the National Rifle Association (NRA), dedicated to protecting the 2nd Amendment rights of gun owners and dealers, and Emilys List, dedicated to protecting the rights of women to abortion, birth  control, and family planning resources.   A nonconnected PAC can solicit contributions from the general public of U.S. citizens and permanent residents. Leadership PACS The third type of PAC called leadership PACs are formed by politicians to help fund the campaigns of other politicians. Politicians often create leadership PACs in an effort to prove their party loyalty or to further their goal of being elected to a higher office. Under federal election laws, PACs can legally contribute only $5,000 to a candidate committee per election (primary, general or special). They can also give up to $15,000 annually to any national party committee, and $5,000 annually to any other PAC. However, there is no limit to how much PACs can spend on advertising in support of candidates or promote their agendas or beliefs. PACs must register with and file detailed financial reports of monies raised and spent to the Federal Election Commission. How Much Do PACs Contribute to Candidates?   The Federal Election Commissions reports that PACs raised $629.3 million, spent $514.9 million, and contributed $205.1 million to federal candidates from January 1, 2003, through June 30, 2004. This represented a 27% increase in receipts when compared with 2002, while disbursements increased by 24 percent. Contributions to candidates were 13 percent higher than this point in the 2002 campaign. These changes were generally greater than the pattern of growth in PAC activity over the past several election cycles. This is the first election cycle conducted under the rules of the Bipartisan Campaign Reform Act of 2002. How Much Can You Donate to a PAC? According to campaign contribution limits established every two years by the Federal Election Commission (FEC), individuals are currently allowed to donate a maximum of $5,000 per year to a PAC. For campaign contribution purposes, the FEC defines a PAC as a committee that makes contributions to other federal political committees. Independent-expenditure-only political committees (sometimes called super PACs) may accept unlimited contributions, including from corporations and labor organizations. Following the Supreme Courts 2014 decision in McCutcheon v. FEC, there is no longer an aggregate limit on how much an individual can give in total to all candidates, PACs and party committees combined.

Sunday, November 3, 2019

Richard Wright's view about religion (according to the book, Black Essay

Richard Wright's view about religion (according to the book, Black Boy) - Essay Example In an effort to ascertain Wright’s overarching perspective on religion, this essay considers the development of Wright’s views on religion throughout his autobiography. Wright’s first confrontation with religion comes as a direct consequence of his going to live with his grandmother after leaving the orphanage. Up until this point Wright has made no attempt to gain overt sympathy from the reader, and indicates a number of uncouth actions that he participated in as a youth, including frequent cursing. Upon moving in with his grandmother the reader witnesses the confrontation of these two cultural perspectives. It is no surprise then that Wright’s early views of religion are an oppressive and overly restrictive oppressive system. Even as Wright enjoys the rural environment that surrounds his grandmother’s home, he openly rejects the restrictive internal environment. While one of the initial restrictions that Wright objects to occurs in regards to his grandmother’s belief that the only thing that should be read is the Bible, perhaps Wright’s first-outward objection to the religious restrictions is through the symboli c utterance of a curse word while he was taking a bath. Throughout the novel there are a series of such restrictions that function to characterize religion as an oppressive belief system, further articulating Wright’s views on the subject. For instance, Richard is unable to work on Saturdays because his grandmother so strictly follows religious principles; similarly, he is forced to become baptized in chapter 6 – after which Richard tells the others that were baptized that he feels no different after the ceremony. At the age of twelve, before I had had one full year of formal schooling, I had . . . a conviction that the meaning of living came only when one was struggling to wring a meaning out of meaningless suffering. At the age of twelve I had an attitude toward life that was to

Thursday, October 31, 2019

Essay about a movie Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 250 words

About a movie - Essay Example Her family expects her to marry a Greek man and raise children. His father is over-patronising, according to Toula, as he refuses to let her pursue further education in a computer academy. She manages to achieve it with the help of her mother and eventually takes up an office job and stops working at her family restaurant. Toulaa, played by Nia Vardolas, undergoes sea change in terms of her looks, grooming and fashion in the mean time. At the same time, she falls in love with a young Anglo-Saxon Protestant, Ian Miller, who is a school teacher, played by John Corbett. Toula’s patriarchal Greek family, especially her overbearing father, refuse to accept their relationship and Ian agrees to be baptised as a Greek Orthodox Christian, which earns the family’s approval. The families get introduced and the couple get married eventually. The movie is a portrayal of ethnic-identity, romance and interaction between cultures. For example, while almost everyone in Toula’s large extended family interferes in wedding planning, Ian is surprised at just the size of her family and the number of cousins she has. Especially when the two families come together and interact, the differences are more evident. For instance, Ian’s nuclear family is surprised to see that every single person from Toula’s extended family being present at the introduction and make it a big party. The movie was very interesting to watch and it was pleasant and funny. It was also insightful into inter-cultural marriages. The range of characters and their vastly different characteristics made the movie a great

Tuesday, October 29, 2019

Somali Pirates Personal Statement Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 500 words

Somali Pirates - Personal Statement Example They possess automatic weapons along with loads of AK-47s, tracking equipments, advanced communication devices. They have different levels of attack and methods of dealing within each level. In my line of thinking, they are the true masters of deception and entrapment although this includes physical attack; their camouflaging is better than the chameleons themselves. One aspect of piracy which surprises me a great deal is the inability to sustain security onboard and on the seaways. In other words, world’s massive trade is moved through these very seas estimated to be at more than 90% of the world’s economy is most prone to attacks and loss of billions of money through piracy! The only explanation I can think of is a refusal to attend to the indifference. But then in my opinion these areas have the largest amount of poverty and are, one way or the other, entitled to the world’s money. And the corporations suffering the loss deserve it because poverty began when the world denied people the right to have money. Although several corporations are involved in helping the Somali pirates buy the latest technology; getting their hands on such technology is something that they cannot accomplish by themselves. It is a known fact that the waters of Somalia cannot be regulated at all much less 24/7, the reason being as simple as the government being unable to impose further responsibility on their already strained assets. Although in my opinion is it is not entirely impossible because if a huge force is to arrive on the scene, piracy can be lessened. NATO and other such organizations are patrolling the area though without guarantees of any sort. Piracy has become socially acceptable in Somalia; after all what is one supposed to do after almost two decades of unending conflict. Somalia’s need for food aid is estimated to be at about 50 % of

Sunday, October 27, 2019

Gender Stereotypes In Advertising Campaigns

Gender Stereotypes In Advertising Campaigns The role of women is more stereotypical than that of the men in the promotional campaigns, and the power of women are inferior to the man especially in the TV advertisements. According to the research on adverts researchers have been done before, the results usually fall into the following categories including: (1) Women being linked with sexual meanings. (2) Women being viewed less powerful than men. (3) Women being thought to be obliged to dominate the housework. (4) Women being believed to comply with their male partners. Over 30 years ago it was argued that advertising placed women into subordinate roles and that the male voice was authoritative (Lewin-Jones, J, Mitra, B. 2009), which is supported by a number of researches. Ferguson, Kreshel and Tinkham (1990) suggested that woman have long been viewed as sexual objects in the advertisements. Dilevko and Harris (1997) stated that in the journals advertisements they researched, females activities are more restrained than males, and men are more likely to gain fame and to be connected with a promising future. Meanwhile, Sexton and Haberman (1974) illustrated that the images of women reflected in advertisements is narrow. All they have to do is to dress up, stand still and being watched. In addition, advertisements also help to cultivate social roles and responsibilities of men and women respectively, in particularly the later ones. The image of women constructed by some established magazines are mostly in conventional occupations and working women profiled in these magazines tend to express themselves by lacking power in their jobs (Ruggiero and Weston, 1985). Simultaneously, Bartsch, Burnett, Diller and Rankin-Williams (2000) argued that Gender bias still exist as females are underrepresented as product representatives for domestic products and males are overrepresented as representatives for non-domestic products. Briefly speaking, these studies show that in the advertisements, women are more inclined to the jobs and titles of housewives while men are more likely to domain in the working field. Moreover, an interesting point has been found out in several of the researches, i.e., in the advertisements, the voice of the spokesmen/spokeswomen can affect the acceptance of the products, which also reflects gender stereotypes. Peirce and McBride (1999) stated that in the commercial advertisements they have studied, more males are used as spokes-characters, and more male spokes-characters are remembered than the female spokes-characters. Media, especially the commercial advertisements of promotional campaigns, do have some strong influence on the construction and cultivation of gender stereotypes, because it helps to reinforce the different roles of man and women in the society and it repeats and retells every day through various channels such as newspapers, radio, bulletin board and TV. In those ads, men are strong and powerful, and they are supposed to save the world, while women are weak and sentimental, and they are set to worship their male heroes. Men should be working outside whilst women should clean the house. Although it is hard to tell whether ads have been affected by the culture or vice versa, it is true that advertisement, as a part of culture itself, do make a difference in constructing gender stereotypes. In fact, gender stereotypes that outstand in the advertisements are not rare. For example, the Mercedes-Benz S Class 8 airbags advertisements. In that advertisement, a woman showing only her breast was being copied four times so that it made eight breasts in one dimension, which compared the breasts as the airbags to symbolise safety and reliability. It is true, to some extent, that this ad is creative enough to stimulate the male audience and to call on their emotional appeals which can turn into actions of buying in the end, but it also used female image, or sexual image specifically, to persuade their targets. As said by Diane Barthel (1988), the beauty rolethe importance of appearing attractive in public, of maintaining standards, of encouraging male attentionbecomes a central preoccupation for girls and mains a concern for women for much of their lives, if not all their lives. Another typical status quo that represents gender stereotypes in the advertising campaigns can be found in one of the channels from Chinese Central Television, namely CCTV5, which is focused on sports news. And it has been years since this channel only broadcast advertisements on mens sports wear, suits, wines, luxury watches and cars. In that channel, ads are made for the males to notice and watch, as are sports programs. If a female audience is watching this channel, she might get a confusing impression that she is not supposed to watch it. Men are born to be sport-oriented, and women are too weak to do intensive exercises. This is blatantly shown in the advertisements that the companies do not even bother to take their female customers into account when it comes to the field of sports and sports competitions. As a matter of fact, this phenomenon has already been studied and by some researchers, and they come up with the conclusion that advertisers made no attempt to appeal female sports market as a separate segments. (Shani, Sandler, and Long, 1992 ) Based on the researches and the examples listed above, it is likely to draw a conclusion that gender role portrayals in ads has been and is still going to be stereotypical for a long period of time(Ivy Backlund, 1994 , as cited by Brasted, M 2010). There might be some new ads showing that females are gaining their own power and are stronger than they used to be, but the mainstream of the promotional campaigns in the market nowadays are still emphasising on the different roles that man and women plays respectively, or on the point that women should stay home and maintaining attractive to men. However, one thing people can not deny is that, the ads producers get their ideas and thoughts from the cultures they have long been lived in, which in return affect the culture itself by influencing the audience who grow up there as well. People can not avoid from the gender stereotype thoroughly because it roots in their lives, but people do can avoid imposing on it by realising the potential effect it will have on them.

Friday, October 25, 2019

Allie’s Basketball Dream Essay -- Literary Analysis, Barbara Barber

Allie’s Basketball Dream Just by looking at the cover of the story â€Å"Allie’s Basketball Dream† by Barbara Barber I could already tell that the story itself seems to be an ideology. The ideology is not hard to figure out; even the name of the story gives it away. Most girls dream of being a ballerina, a princess, or even a vet but with Allie’s case she wants to be professional basketball player. When I first picked up this book, the name of the book intrigued me to want to read it because I never would have guessed a girls dream would be to be a professional basketball player. As I started to read this book I noticed that the book is based on adults and children of African-American race in urban and inner-city areas. In urban and inner-city areas, playground basketball is a popular form of recreation. Many children and adults in these areas play neighborhood games in parks, alleys, driveways, backyards, and playgrounds. In the neighborhood I was brought up in, I never saw basketball played anywhere besides at school or if you had a basketball hoop in your driveway. The story starts out with Allies father giving her a gift of a basketball that she really wanted. Allies father brought her a gift and said â€Å"Because I love you (Baber 2)† and kissed Allie on her nose. This shows that Allies father is already portrayed as strong and caring which makes this book adult-centered already. When I look at the picture of Allie and her father at the beginning of the book I can see the loving relationship they have with each other (1). The colors of the background of the picture are yellow and soft which makes the picture safe. Allie and her father are in the center of the page along with the basket ball. This shows that Allie, her fat... ...he first time her father brought her to a basketball game she said "No way i'm getting rid of this ball! It's a gift from my dad. Someday I'm going to be the best basketball player ever (Barber 20)." Even though Allie doesn’t say something like "I don't want to be girly" she is still resisting the ideology that â€Å"only guys play basketball† or â€Å"girls don’t play basketball.† In this book gender role interpellation is shown. Up to now, it has been assumed that boys are more dominant and powerful then girls. For example, boys â€Å"are stronger† and can protect better then woman because they are men and they are built differently. However, females have been seen are the care takers, compassionate, and taking on the role of being feminine which means acting and doing all the things girls are supposed to do. Also, females are portrayed as being more â€Å"emotional† then males.

Thursday, October 24, 2019

Apush Notes Chapter 8

A. P. U. S. History Notes Chapter 8: â€Å"America Secedes from the Empire† ~ 1775 – 1783 ~ I. Congress Drafts George Washington 1. After the bloodshed at Lexington and Concord in April of 1775, about 20,000 Minutemen swarmed around Boston, where they outnumbered the British. 2. The Second Continental Congress met in Philadelphia on May 10, 1775, with no real intention of independence, merely a desire to continue fighting in the hope that the king and Parliament would consent to a redress of grievances. a. It sent another list of grievances to Parliament. . It also adopted measures to raise money for an army and a navy. c. It also selected George Washington to command the army. 1) George had never risen above the rank of colonel, and his largest command had only been of 1200 men, but he was a tall figure who looked like a leader, and thus, was a moral boost to troops. 2) He radiated patience, courage, self-discipline, and a sense of justice, and though he insisted on wo rking without pay, he did keep a careful expense account amounting to more than $100,00. II. Bunker Hill and Hessian Hirelings 1. In the first year, the war was one of consistency, as the colonists maintained their loyalty while still shooting at the king’s men. 2. In May 1775, a tiny American force led by Ethan Allen and Benedict Arnold, surprised and captured the British garrisons at Ticonderoga and Crown Point. 3. In June 1775, the colonials seized Bunker Hill (before known as Breed’s Hill). a. Instead of flanking them, the Redcoats launched a frontal attack, and the heavily entrenched colonial sharpshooters mowed them down until meager gunpowder supplies ran out and they were forced to retreat. 4. After Bunker Hill, George III slammed the door for all hope of reconciliation and declared the colonies to be in open rebellion, a treasonous affair. 5. The King also hired many German mercenaries, called Hessians, who, because they were lured by booty and not duty, had large numbers desert and remained in America to become respectful citizens. III. The Abortive Conquest of Canada 1. In October 1775, the British burned Falmouth (Portland), Maine. 2. The colonists decided that invading Canada would add a 14th colony and deprive Britain of a valuable base for striking at the colonies in revolt. a. Also, the French-Canadians would support the Americans because they supposedly were bitter about Britain’s taking over of their land. b. General Richard Montgomery captured Montreal. c. At Quebec, he was joined by the bedraggled army of General Benedict Arnold. d. On the last day of 1775, in the assault of Quebec, Montgomery was killed and Arnold was wounded in one leg, and the whole campaign collapsed as the men retreated up the St. Lawrence River, reversing the way Montgomery had come. e. Besides, the French-Canadians, who had welcomed the Quebec Act, didn’t really like the anti-Catholic invaders. 3. In January 1776, the British set fire to Norfolk, Virginia, but in March, they were finally forced to evacuate Boston. 4. In the South, the rebels won a victory against some 1500 Loyalists at Moore’s Creek Bridge, in South Carolina, and against an invading British fleet at Charleston Harbor. IV. Thomas Paine Preaches Common Sense 1. In 1776, Thomas Paine published Common Sense, which urged colonials to stop this war of inconsistency, stop pretending loyalty, and just fight. 2. Nowhere in the universe did a smaller body control a larger one, so Paine argued, saying why tiny Britain had to control gigantic America. . He called King George III â€Å"the Royal Brute of Great Britain. † V. Paine and the Idea of â€Å"Republicanism† 1. Paine argued his idea that there should be a â€Å"republic† where senators, governors, and judges should have their power from the consent of the people. 2. He laced his ideas with Biblical imagery, familiar to common folk. 3. Hi s ideas about rejecting monarchy and empire and embrace an independent republic fell on receptive ears in America, though it should be noted that these ideas already existed. a. The New Englanders already practiced this type of government in their town meetings. . Some patriots, though, favored a republic ruled by a â€Å"natural aristocracy. † VI. Jefferson’s â€Å"Explanation† of Independence 1. Members of the Philadelphia Congress, instructed by their colonies, gradually moved toward a clean break with Britain. 2. On June 7, 1776, fiery Richard Henry urged for complete independence, an idea that was finally adopted on July 2, 1776. 3. To write such a statement, Congress appointed Thomas Jefferson, already renown as a great writer, to concoct a Declaration of Independence. a. He did so eloquently, coming up with a list of grievances against King George III and persuasively explaining why the colonies had the right to revolt. b. His â€Å"explanation† of independence also upheld the â€Å"natural rights† of humankind. 4. When Congress approved it on July 2nd, John Adams proclaimed that date to be celebrated from then on with fireworks, but because of editing and final approval, it was not completely approved until July 4th, 1776. VII. Patriots and Loyalists 1. The War of Independence was a war within a war, as not all colonials were united. . There were Patriots, who supported rebellion and were called â€Å"Whigs. † b. There were Loyalists, who supported the King, often went to battle against fellow Americans, and were called â€Å"Tories. † c. There were those who didn’t care, and these people were constantly being asked to join one side or another. 2. During the war, the British proved that they could only control Tory areas, because when Redcoats packed up and left other areas, the rebels would regain control. 3. The Patriot militias constantly harassed small British detachments. 4. Loyalists were generally conservatives, but the war divided families. a. Benjamin Franklin was against his illegitimate son, William, the last royal governor of New Jersey. 5. The Patriots were generally the younger generation, like Samuel Adams and Patrick Henry. 6. Loyalists were most numerous where the Anglican Church was strongest. 7. There were also those who sold to the highest bidder, selling the British and ignoring starving, freezing soldiers (i. e. George Washington at Valley Forge). 8. Loyalists were less numerous in New England, where Presbyterianism and Congregationalism flourished. VIII. The Loyalist Exodus 1. After the Declaration of Independence, Loyalists and Patriots were more sharply divided, and Patriots often confiscated Loyalist property and resell it (good way to raise money). 2. Some 50,000 Loyalists served the British in one way or another (fighting, spying, etc†¦), and it was an oddity that the Brits didn’t make more use of them during the war. IX. General Washington at Bay . After the evacuation of Boston, the British focused on New York as a HQ for operations. a. An awe-inspiring fleet appeared off the coast in July 1776, consisting of some 500 ships and 35,000 men—the largest armed force seen in America ever until the Civil War. b. Washington could only muster 18,000 ill-trained men to fight, and they were routed at the Battle of Long Island. c. Washington escaped to Manhattan Island, cross ed the Hudson River to New Jersey, reaching the Delaware River with taunting, fox-hunt calling British on his heels. d. Crossing the Delaware River at Trenton on a cold December 26, 1776, and surprised and captured a thousand Hessians who were sleeping off their Christmas Day celebration (drinking). e. He then left his campfires burning as a ruse, slipped away, and inflicted a sharp defeat on a smaller British detachment at Princeton, showing his military genius at its best. f. It was odd that General William Howe, the British general, didn’t crush Washington when he was at the Delaware, but he well remembered Bunker Hill, and was cautious. X. Burgoyne’s Blundering Invasion 1. London officials adopted a complicated scheme for capturing the vital Hudson River Valley in 1777 which, if successful, would severe New England from the rest of the colonies: a. General Burgoyne would push down the Lake Champlain route from Canada. b. General Howe’s troops in New York, if needed, could advance up the Hudson and meet Burgoyne in Albany. c. A third and much smaller British force commanded by Colonel Barry St. Ledger would come in from the west by way of Lake Ontario and the Mohawk Valley. 2. However, Benedict Arnold, after failure at Quebec, retreated slowly along the St. Lawrence back to Lake Champlain, where the British would have to win control (of the lake) before proceeding. a. The Brits stopped to build a huge force, while Arnold assembled a tattered flotilla from whatever boats he could find. b. His â€Å"navy† was destroyed, but he had gained valuable time, because winter set in and the British settled in Canada; they would have to begin anew the next spring. 1) Had Arnold not contributed his daring and skill, the Brits most likely would have recaptured Ticonderoga and Burgoyne could have started from there and succeeded in his venture. 3. Burgoyne began his mission with 7000 troops and a heavy baggage train consisting of a great number of the officers’ wives. a. Meanwhile, sneaky rebels, sensing the kill, were gathering along his flanks. 4. General Howe, at a time when he should be starting up the Hudson, deliberately embarked for an attack on Philadelphia. a. He wanted to force an encounter with Washington and leave the path wide open for Burgoyne’s thrust; he thought he had enough time to help Burgoyne if needed. b. Washington transferred his troops to Philly, but was defeated at Brandywine Creek and Germantown. . Then, the fun-loving Howe settled down in Philadelphia, leaving Burgoyne â€Å"to the dogs. † d. Ben Franklin, in Paris, joked that Howe hadn’t captured Philadelphia, but that â€Å"Philadelphia had captured Howe. † 5. Washington finally retired for the winter at Valley Forge, where his troops froze in the cold, but a recently arrived Prussian drill master, Baron von Steu ben, whipped the cold troops into shape. 6. Burgoyne’s doomed troops were bogged down, and the rebels swarmed in with a series of sharp engagements, pushing the St. Legers force back at Oriskany while Burgoyne, unable to advance or retreat, surrendered his entire force at Saratoga, on October 17, 1777. a. Perhaps one of the most decisive battles in British and American history. XI. Strange French Bedfellows 1. France was eager to get revenge on Britain, and secretly supplied the Americans throughout much of the war. 2. After the humiliation at Saratoga, the British offered the Americans a measure that gave them home rule—everything they wanted except independence. 3. After Saratoga, France finally was persuaded to enter the war against Britain. a. Louis XVI’s ministers argued that this was the perfect time to act, because if Britain regained control, she might then try to capture the French West Indies for compensation for the war. b. Now was the time the strike, rather than risk a stronger Britain with its reunited colonies. 4. France, in 1778, offered a treaty of alliance, offering America everything that Britain had offered, plus recognition of independence. a. The Americans accepted with caution, since France was pro-Catholic, but since they needed help, they’d take it. XII. The Colonial War Becomes a World War 1. In 1779, Spain and Holland entered the war against Britain. . In 1780, Catherine the Great of Russia took the lead in organizing the Armed Neutrality (she later called it the Armed Nullity) that lined up all of Europe’s neutrals in passive hostility against England. 3. America, though it kept the war going until 1778, didn’t win until France, Spain, and Holland joined in and Britain co uldn’t handle them all. 4. Britain, with the French now in the seas, decided to finally evacuate Philadelphia and concentrate their forces in New York, and even though Washington attacked them at Monmouth on a blisteringly hot day in which scores of men died of sunstroke, the British escaped to New York. XIII. Blow and Counterblow 1. French reinforcements, commanded by Comte de Rochambeau, arrived in Newport, Rhode Island in 1780, but flares sometimes erupted between the Americans and the French. 2. In 1780, feeling unappreciated and lured by British gold, General Benedict Arnold turned traitor by plotting with the British to sell out West Point. a. When the plot was discovered, he fled with the British. b. â€Å"Whom can we trust now? † cried George Washington in anguish. 3. The British devised a plan to roll up the colonies from the South. a. Georgia was ruthlessly overrun in 1778-1779. b. Charleston, South Carolina, fell in 1780. . In the Carolinas, Patriots bitterly fought their Loyalist neighbors. d. However, in 1781, American riflemen wiped out a British detachment at King’s Mountain, and then defeated a smaller force at Cowpens. e. At the Carolina campaign of 1781, Quaker-reared tactician General Nathanael Greene distinguished himself with his strategy of delay. 1) By slowly retreating and losing battles but winning campaigns, he helped clear the British out of most of Georgia and South Carolina. XIV. The Land Frontier and the Sea Frontier 1. 1777 was known as the â€Å"bloody year† on the frontier, as Indians went on a scalping spree. . Most of the Indians supported Britain and believed that if they won, it would stop American expansion into the West, and save Indian land. 3. Mohawk chief Joseph Brant, recently converted to Anglicanism, and his men ravaged the backcountry of Pennsylvania and New York until check by Americans in 1779. 4. In 1784, the pro-British Iroquois (the Oneidas and the Tuscaroras had sided with the Americans, the other four with the British) signed the Treaty of For Stanwix, the first treaty between the U. S. and an Indian nation. a. Under its terms, the Indians ceded most of their land. 5. Even in wartime, pioneers moved west, showing their gratitude to the French with such town names as Louisville while remembering the Revolution with Lexington, Kentucky. 6. George Rogers Clark, an audacious frontiersman, floated down the Ohio River with about 175 in 1778-1779 and captured forts Kaskaskia, Chohokia, and Vicennes in quick succession. 7. The tiny American navy never really hurt the British warships, but it did destroy British merchant shipping and carried the war into the waters around the British Isles. 8. Swift privateers preyed on enemy shipping, capturing many ships and forcing them to sail in convoys. XV. Yorktown and the Final Curtain. 1. Before the last decisive victory, inflation continued to soar, and the government was virtually bankrupt, and announced that it could only repay many of its debts at a rate of 2. 5 cents on the dollar. 2. However, Cornwallis was blundering into a trap. a. Retreating to Chesapeake Bay and assuming that British control of the seas would give him much needed backup, Cornwallis instead was trapped by Washington’s army, which had come 300 miles from New York, Rochambeau’s French army, and the navy of French Admiral de Grasse. . After hearing the news of Cornwallis’ defeat, Lord North cried, â€Å"Oh God! It’s all over! † 4. Stubborn King George wanted to continue the war, since he still had 54,000 troops in North America and 32,000 in the U. S. , and fighting did continue for about a year after Yorktown, especially in the South, but America had won. XVI. Peace at Paris 1. Many Brits were weary of the war, since they had suffered heavy reverse in India and the West Indies, the island of Minorca in the Mediterranean had fallen, and the Rock of Gibraltar was tottering. . Ben Franklin, John Adams, and John Jay met in Paris for a peace deal. a. Jay suspected that France would try to keep the U. S. cooped up east of the Alleghenies and keep America weak. b. Instead, Jay, thinking that France would betray American ambitious to satisfy those of Spain, secretly made separate overtures to London (against instructions from Congress) and came to terms quickly with the British, who were eager to entice one of their enemies from the alliance. 3. The Treaty of Paris of 1783, Britain formally recognized the USA and granted generous boundaries, stretching majestically to the Mississippi on the west, the Great Lakes on the north, and to Spanish Florida on the South. a. The Yankees also retained a share in the priceless fisheries of Newfoundland. b. Americans couldn’t persecute Loyalists, though, and Congress could only recommend legislatures that confiscated Loyalist land. XVII. A New Nation Legitimized 1. Britain had ceded so much land because it was trying to entice America from its French alliance. a. Remember, George Rogers Clark had only conquered a small part of the land. 2. Also, during the time, the American-friendly Whigs were in control of the Parliament, which was not to be the case in later years. 3. France approved the treaty, though with cautious eyes. 4. In truth, America came out the big winner, and seldom, if ever, have any people been so favored. XVIII. Makers of America: The Loyalists 1. Loyalists were conservative, well-educated, thought that a complete break with Britain would invite anarchy, and felt that America couldn’t win against the more powerful army in the world. . Many Britons had settled in America after the Seven Years’ War, and they had reason to support their home country. 3. Thousands of African-Americans joined the British ranks for hope of freedom from bondage. a. Many Black Loyalists won their freedom from Britain. b. Others suffered betrayal, such as when Cornwallis abandoned over 4000 former slaves in Virginia and when many Black Loyalists boarded ships expecting to embark for freedom and instead found themselves sold back into slavery. c. Some Black exiles settled in Britain, but weren’t really accepted easily. . Most Loyalists remained in America, where they faced special burdens and struggled to re-establish themselves in a society that viewed them as traitors. 5. Hugh Gaine, though, succeeded. a. He reopened his business and even won contracts fro the new government. b. He also published the new national army regulations authored by Baron von Steuben. c. When New York ratified the Constitution in 1788, Gaine rode the float at the head of the city’s celebration parade. d. He had, like many other former Loyalists, become an American.